
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Born To Lead

Essayist: Ebenezer Zor

“Then the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun and said to him, ‘Be confident and determine. You will lead the people of Israel into the land that I promised them and I will be with you’’ Deuteronomy 31:33

When Moses turned 120 years and being told by God he will not cross river Jordan to see the promise land ‘Canaan’ with his feet, he appointed Joshua as his successor. According to Bible articles, Joshua lacked certain leadership qualities and styles. But when God appeared, he spurred him on.

In Deuteronomy 34:9 tells us “Joshua son of Nun was filled with wisdom, because Moses had appointed him to be his successor. The people of Israel obeyed Joshua and kept his commands that the Lord had given them through Moses”

Leadership at all levels requires wisdom of God taught by the Spirit; not of human wisdom. For human wisdom taught by humans have limitations.
Conceivably, the Spirit ensures obedience, unity and understanding for the walk in the Lord.

Similarly in Joshua 1:2 God said Joshua “My servant Moses is dead. Get ready now; you and all the people of Israel, and across the river Jordan into the land that I am given”. Joshua’s leadership began here.
Folks you are not an ordinary person. Naturally you are born to lead in the family, community, school, church, job and many more. Get closer to God to discover to recover your leadership qualities and styles.

Quote: “If nothing can be studied from you, you are unworthy of being a mentor” EZ

Developing Your Christian Life
1. Find a believing church to attend
2. Study the word of God daily
3. Enjoy the fellowship and workmanship of God
4. Practise the word of God
5. Have faith in the word

From today I am born to rule over my finances, job, marriage, calling in the Lord, education in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Author’s mob/ WhatsApp/ Tango: +233246646694
Follow me on; Twitter@zorebenezer
Skype name live: zorebenezer
Church: Miracle Rock Church Int.
General Overseer: Bishop Charles Abban


Diffusion is defined as the communication process by which a new idea or new
product is accepted by the market, while the rate of diffusion is defined as the speed that the new idea spreads from one consumer to the next. Adoption, similar to diffusion, also deals with the psychological decision making processes of the individual, rather than those of an aggregate market.

Rogers showed that a diffusion process in a social system follows an S-Curve in which the adoption of a technology begins with slow change, is followed by rapid change and ends in slow change as the product matures or new technologies emerge. He also held that people adopt new technological innovations at different times and at different rates. He then used the varying rates of adoption to distinguish different phases in the diffusion process allowing practitioners to assess such things as the life of a new product or service and the application of the correct set of marketing activities at the appropriate time.

The adoption process tracked through the diffusion curve is a decision-making process in which an individual passes from the initial knowledge of an innovation to forming an attitude toward the innovation, to a decision to adopt or reject it, then to its implementation and the use of the new idea, and finally to confirmation of this decision.

The cumulative number of adopters follows the above mentioned S-shaped curve. The number of newly ‘converted’ adopters plotted as a frequency histogram against time follows a bell-shaped Gaussian curve where the number of new adopters rises until halfway the S-curve after which their numbers decrease, To make the model actionable, Rogers introduced ‘innovativeness’ – the degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than other members in a social system. This allowed Rogers to distinguished five groups of adopters as ideal types:

The first 2.5% of adopters are called "Innovators". Innovators are venturesome and educated, have multiple sources of information and show greater propensity to take risks. They appreciate technology for its own sake and are motivated by the idea of being a change agent in their reference group. They are willing to tolerate initial problems that may accompany new products or services and are willing to make shift solutions to such problems.

The next 13.5% of adopters are "Early Adopters". They are the social leaders, popular and educated. They are the visionaries in their market and are looking to adopt and use new technology to achieve a revolutionary breakthrough that will achieve dramatic competitive advantage in their industries. They are attracted by high-risk, high-reward projects and are not very price sensitive because they envision great gains in competitive advantage from adopting a new technology. They typically demand personalized solutions and quick-response, highly qualified sales and support.

The next 34% of adopters are formed by the "Early Majority". They are deliberate and have many informal social contacts. Rather than looking for revolutionary changes to gain productivity enhancements in their firms, they are motivated by evolutionary changes. They have three principles in the adoption of new technology:
         “When it is time to move, let’s move all together”. This principle defines why adoption increases so rapidly in the diffusion process and causes a landslide in demand.
         “When we pick a vendor to lead us to the new paradigm, let us all pick the same one”. This principle explains which firm will become the market leader.
         “Once the transition starts, the sooner we get it over with, the better”. This principle shows why the transition stage occurs rapidly.

The next 34% of adopters are the "Late Majority". They are skeptical, traditional and of lower socio-economic status. They are very price sensitive and require completely preassembled, bulletproof solutions. They are motivated to buy technology just to stay even with the competition and often rely on a single, trusted adviser to help them make sense of technology.

The last 16% of the adopters consists of "Laggards". Laggards are technology skeptics who want only to maintain the status quo. They tend not to believe that technology can enhance productivity and are likely to block new technology purchases. Roger’s model has found wide appeal and application in such disciplines as marketing and management science. The model’s most significant application is the Bass Diffusion Model where the process of how new innovations are adopted through the interaction of current and potential users is described mathematically.

Adoption/Diffusion of Innovations theory underlines the importance of differentiating customer segments. Furthermore, it depicts the need to convince innovators and early adopters to first make an innovation successful. Using ‘innovativeness’ as variable, Rogers was the first person to group adopters in a scientific and meaningful way.

The model’s ideal types and percentages can be used as a first draft to estimate target groups for communication purposes.

The model shows patterns of consumer adoption at each of the various stages during a product's life cycle by focusing on different characteristics of each adopter categories in terms of (1) socioeconomic status (2) personality & values and (3) communication behavior.

Critics of this model concluded that it is an overly simplified representation of a complex reality. Adopters often fall within different categories for different innovations: a current laggard can be an early adopter the next time around.

The model is not predictive. It does not provide insight in how well a new idea or product will do before it has gone through its adoption curve.

Customers often adapt technology to their own needs, so the innovation may actually change in usage when moving from the early adopters to the majority of users. The model does not include these kinds of mutations. The lubricant WD-40 is a famous example of such a mutation.

Disruptive technologies may radically change the diffusion patterns for established technologies by starting a different competing S-curve. The model does not provide pointers how to best manage such transitions.

         ISBN 0887307175

         Everett M. Rogers

         ISBN 0743222091


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Be Increased!

Writer: Ebenezer Zor
“He will break the power of the wicked, but the power of the righteous will be increased’’ Psalm 75:10
No power is bigger than God. All evil powers surrender to the authority in heaven. So far as God exist, evil advocates will suffer a deva sting punch to halt their wickedness in the world. But for the humble, meek, understanding, faithful, hopeful, obedient, righteous, committed and dedicated love ones of God they shall increase positively in spirit, finances, knowledge, marriage, business at all time.
In that, believe that an angel is destroying the afflictions of the wicked against God’s chosen people.
Children of God, pronounce the power upon every step you take while on earth. For you have been given the power to permit and prohibit in your world.
“And I tell all of you: what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven’’ Matthew 18:18
Quote: “Deal with fear and the world will open up to you” Ezee
Developing Your Christian Life
1. Find a believing church to attend
2. Study the word of God daily
3. Enjoy the fellowship and workmanship of God
4. Practise the word of God
5. Have faith in the word
Father, again and again you keep blessing me with the word. I believe it is reflecting in my life in name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
Author’s mob/whatsapp/Tango: +233246646694
Follow me on; Twitter@zorebenezer
Skype name- live: zorebenezer
Church: Miracle Rock Church Int.
General Overseer: Bishop Charles Abban

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It Depends On God

Author: Ebenezer Zor

“So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has
ebenezer zor

mercy’’. Romans 9:16

Nothing can be achieved if we do not seek for God’s approval or confirmation.
When we cast our eyes around; presidents rule nations, pilots fly passengers,
parents rule in homes, managers ensure efficiency and proficiency at work,
teachers impart knowledge into students, judges administer justice not forgetting
pastors duty as well; just to mention a few of professions and their place of work.

God rules everything we see around us. We are where we are, we will be where we
want to not because of appearance, position, possession, intellects, fame,
connections, abilities; but by his refreshing mercies, grace and favor. We could be
the best in all activities. However, without mercy from God our best will never be
seen. Only God grants mercy.

When Moses saw God’s glory, the Lord replied” and he said, “I will make all my
goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The LORD.’
And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on
whom I will show mercy’’. Exodus 33:19

Let us hope for God’s grace and goodness in our entire life. Never must we forget
to ask anytime we pray to him.

Away from that, David in Psalm 25:6 said ‘’ Remember your compassionate
and faithful deeds, O LORD, for you have always acted in this manner’’.

Ladies and gents, experiencing successes or victories depend on God. Never doubt
this because the acquisition of certificates from schools, associations, without
mercies cannot fly one to the top. It depends on His mercy.
Quote: “Is not what you do that matters but how you do it. And it is not who
you are that matters, rather where you are” Ebenezer Zor

Developing Your Christian Life
1. Find a believing church to attend
2. Study the word of God daily
3. Enjoy the fellowship and workmanship of God
4. Practise the word of God
5. Have faith in the word

From today i declare mercies over my finances, job, marriage, calling in the Lord, education in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Author’s mob/ whatsapp/ Tango: +233246646694
Follow me on; Twitter@zorebenezer
Skype name live: zorebenezer
Church: Miracle Rock Church Int.
General Overseer: Bishop Charles