
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Proclaim Fresh Beginnings

Author: Ebenezer Zor
“Joshua was standing there wearing filthy clothes. The angel of the lord said to its heavenly attendant. Then he said to Joshua, ‘’ I have away your sin and will give you new clothes to wear’’ Zechariah 3:3
After the angel of the Lord had condemned Satan, it noticed something about Joshua. The angel spotted filth all over Joshua. The filth around the proclaim high priest, Joshua, indicated sin, poverty, humiliation, depression, pain, sorrow and oppression. In our world, anything filthy is unpleasant for human health.
But the angel of the Lord sat on Joshua’s case saliently. The angel ordered him to take away those filthy outfits and then clothed him with new clothes.
Per this intervention, Joshua’s sin was forgiven, richness restored, sorrow replaced with happiness and new chapter opened to him.
It is now your turn. Today Joshua is no more. You are next to encounter an angel. This message may be intended for you. Get ready; for any filth making your existence bitter have been taken away in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, proclaim fresh beginnings into your life with faith and I believe strongly that change is now.
Quote: “Sorrow may sadden our faces, but it sharpens our knowledge” Ebenezer Zor
Developing Your Christian Life
1. Find a believing church to attend
2. Study the word of God daily
3. Enjoy the fellowship and workmanship of God
4. Practise the word of God
5. Have faith in the word
Father in heaven, I am grateful for your mercies and grace upon my life. Today in the name of our Lord Jesus I speak against any filth in my family, among friends, in the country, work, school, hospital and every part of the world. I claim fresh beginnings in the life of everyone. Amen.
Author’s mob/whatsapp/ tango: +233246646694
Follow me on; Twitter@zorebenezer
Skype name live: zorebenezer
Church: Miracle Rock Church Int.
General Overseer: Bishop Charles Abban

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