My greetings to you all with the “I CAN DO SPIRIT”. This is a dawn of a new beginning and hope. Is one fed up with life? Is one loosing hope? What is ones worry in this life?
Indeed it is said that life is like journey. I agree. But life does not only constitute what one experiences, rather the ability to envisage and see oneself bigger than the situation at hand.
To some extent, one had tried solving such difficulties, but all efforts have proven to be futile. So is one giving up the chase?
NO! Do not let go. Every good thing achieved in this world comes by hard work, faithfulness, patience, commitments, understanding and honesty via a long time of hardships and vice versa. Ones situation is not new, because whatever happens or can happen has already happen before.
In this end, one must see himself or herself as a victor over situations by forgetting the past and hoping for the best. SEE YOURSELF AS A VICTOR.
By Ebenezer Zor