
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Word Digest: Three Magical Words

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” Colossians 4:6 NIV

Communication forms an important aspect of human life. Perceptions or thoughts, actions or signs speak a lot.
Our conversation does two things. Either you win a cross-section of people to your side or vice versa. The aftermath of every conversation is either you are like or dislike.

Apostle Paul in this scripture asked the church (individuals and organizations) in Colossae, to be very mindful of how they speak to one another.
For a conversation to be full of grace and seasoned with salt, at all time talks should inspire, educate, motivate, forgive, respect, rebuke and love another regardless of color or position.

If so, then the three magical words can play a vital role in our everyday conversation.
These words are; please, thank you and sorry. These three magical words would help all to converse and know how to answer everyone.
God bless you for reading and sharing.

God, thank you for the message. From today please let our speech be full of grace in Jesus name, Amen.

From: Ebenezer Zor
Whatasapp/ cell phone +233246646694

Word Digest: Believe in Christ

By Ebenezer Zor
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” Matthew 21:22 NIV

In the ministry of Jesus Christ, it got to a point where he was hungry. He came across a fig tree hoping he could get a fruit to satisfy his hunger.
Unfortunately Jesus did the opposite. He cursed the fig tree not that he was angry but the tree failed to bear some fruits. Till date that fig tree has not bear any fruit. It does not mean we should be cursing anything that does not produce fruit or work out in our favor.

Our fruit bearing in this context is to continue to believe in Christ whether in good or bad times. Interestingly Jesus demonstrated three things. They are courage, faith and believe through prayer.
From the above scripture, if you have courage, faith and believe in Christ I tell you, you can move mountains and things will bow before you.

So believe in Christ. You are blessed beyond measure in Jesus Christ name, Amen.
God bless you for reading and sharing.


Father in heaven may we have the strength to believe in Christ always.
Whatsapp/cell phone: +233246646694

Word Digest : The Secret of Isaac (1); Pressing On Spirit

“Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant” Genesis 25:21 NIV

Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the Aramaean of Paddanram, and the sister of Laban the Aramaean.
In the days of Isaac and his beloved wife Rebekah, people around by then thought after their marriage, situation would be better off. It was not so as they encountered an impediment. Rebekah has been barren for twenty years (20) and that was an unpleasant development for them.

Incisively Isaac having noticed the obstacle he prayed to God for a child. Unlucky in his first attempt of request, God did not respond. It could happen that God had set a specific day to bring joy to Isaac and his wife Rebekah.

Isaac was unperturbed and he continued the routine of pleading to God for a child on behalf of Rebekah for 20 years. Lo and behold within the 20 years of barrenness God gave Isaac and his wife Rebekah twins (Esau and Jacob). Genesis 25:24. Praise the Lord. Meaning, Isaac was 60 years when God blessed him two boys.

The secret of Isaac: He had a pressing on spirit. He pressed on in prayer and Jehovah God responded to his plea with twins.

Beloved I don’t know the number of times you might have fallen in life or haven hit with disappointments. If you are down or not, step up and press on with prayer, trust, hope and faith in God through Christ Jesus. No condition is permanent. God has not forsaken you.

Today as you press on in life with prayer, love, faith, trust and hope in Christ Jesus, is my prayer that God responds to your plea, Amen.
God bless you for reading and sharing.

From: Ebenezer Zor
Whatsapp number: +233246646694